Cooking Safety

November 21, 2023
Cooking safety training image

The holiday season is upon is and, for many people, that means spending more time cooking for loved ones. We want everyone to have an enjoyable, safe holiday while remembering to be attentive in the kitchen. Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and fire injuries, with ranges or cooktops causing 62% of home fires, according to the National Fire Protection Agency. It’s not surprising that Thanksgiving has some of the most cooking fires of the year.

Stay safe this holiday season by following these tips:

  • Keep anything that can catch fire away from your stovetop
  • Always unplug countertop alliances when not in use
  • Make sure you have GFCI receptacles in your kitchen to prevent shock and electrocution. Test them regularly
  • Double-check that everything is off when you finish cooking
  • Prevent fires by keeping your oven and stovetop clean of grease and dust
  • Never leave the kitchen while cooking
  • Never cook while sleepy, drinking alcohol, or taking medication that could cause drowsiness
  • Never disable a smoke alarm while cooking
  • Never use a cooking stove to heat your home

The Electrical Safety Foundation Institution (ESFI) also suggests having the following items to ensure a safe holiday for everyone:

  • Functioning Smoke Alarms – These alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home. Be sure to test the batteries in your smoke alarms monthly
  • Functioning Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters – These are electrical safety devices that trip electrical circuits when they detect ground faults, or leakage currents, that could shock or electrocute someone. GFCIs should be installed where electricity and water may come in contact, such as the kitchen. GFCIs should also be tested every month
  • Kitchen Timer – It’s easy to forget about something that’s cooking, especially when you are entertaining guests. Use a kitchen timer to make sure your dish doesn’t become a fire hazard
  • Clean Appliances – Prevent fires by making sure your oven and stovetop are clean and free of grease and dust. You should also clean the exhaust hood and duct over the stove regularly. Lastly, vacuum the refrigerator coils every three months to prevent potentially dangerous dirt build up

Following these safety tips ensures that everyone will have a safe holiday.

For more information on cooking safety and fire prevention, visit

Credit: ESFI and NFPA

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