Earth Day | April 22, 2023

April 21, 2023
Earth Day safety consulting visual

Happy Earth Day! The idea for Earth Day first began in 1969, when peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor both the Earth and the concept of peace. Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson supported the initiative by founding the first nationwide Earth Day event in 1970 as a way to bring environmental protection onto the national agenda. Nelson teamed with Denis Hayes, a young activist, and Julian Koenig, an advertising copywriter, to develop and organize the turning-point event that took place on April 22, 1970. On that day, twenty million Americans demonstrated across the United States in support of protecting the environment.

From that initiative came progress. In December 1970, Congress authorized the creation of a new federal agency to tackle environmental issues — and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established. Before the EPA, factories faced no legal repercussions for spewing black clouds of toxic smoke into the air or dumping tons of toxic waste into nearby streams. With the launch of the EPA came the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and many other legal and regulatory mechanisms set up to protect our environment and human health.

Contributing to a healthier planet is easy. The EPA offers the following tips to make every day Earth Day:

Lower Your Carbon Footprint

  • Bike or walk
  • Carpool or take public transportation
  • Choose an energy-efficient vehicle
  • Make fewer trips by grouping your errands
  • Drive smart: go easy on the breaks and gas, use cruise control, and keep your car well maintained

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

  • Reuse or repurpose containers, clothing, and cloth grocery bags
  • Give clothes a second life by donating or buying used
  • Know what items your local recycling programs collects, and what items are recyclable

Be H2O Smart

  • Repair leaky faucets and replace old equipment like toilets and dishwashers when possible
  • Turn off the water to brush teeth and shave
  • Run full loads of laundry and dishes
  • Collect rainwater to use in your garden

Feed People, not Landfills

  • Check your refrigerator, pantry, and freezer before shopping to avoid buying foods you don't need
  • Plan your meals for the week — before heading to the store
  • Properly store fruits and vegetables so they last longer
  • Utilize your freezer and leftovers

For more information, go to and

Credit: EPA

HazTek Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive safety management services designed to protect workers by enhancing workplace safety. For additional information or to learn more about HazTek's OSHA Safety Training and Environmental services, including Personal and Area Sampling; Indoor Air Quality Assessments; HazMat First Responder / Spill Response; and Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures, please contact us at 888.842.9835, email us at, or visit our website at