Fall Safety

September 28, 2023
Fall safety training image

Happy Fall! With the changing of the seasons, it’s a good time for tips on staying safe while you’re enjoying all this time of year has to offer — whether it’s spending time with friends to watch football; going to festivals and pumpkin patches; decorating for fall and Halloween; or trick-or-treating with your children.

Below are tips for staying safe this time of year from the National Safety Council (NSC):

  • Get your flu shot – fall is the start of flu season, and doctors recommended everyone 6 months and older gets vaccinated against the flu
  • Drive safely as it gets darker – as fall goes on, the days get shorter and shorter, especially when Daylight Savings ends the first Sunday in November. It’s important to be extra vigilant as you drive in the dark
  • Parents need to take necessary precaution when trick-or-treating with their children. They should make sure their child’s costume is fire-resistant and fits them properly to avoid tripping hazards. They should also make sure that they only trick-or-treat in well-lit areas and that their children do not eat any treats until they are inspected at home
  • Motorists on Halloween should be extra careful as they are driving around children who will be trick-or-treating. Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.

To learn more, visit https://www.nsc.org/.../autumn-safety/autumn-safety-home

Credit: NSC

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