HazTek Employee of the Month | Emelia Chang

November 5, 2021
HazTek Accountant Emelia Chang picture

Congratulations to Accountant Emelia Chang who was recently honored as HazTek’s Employee of the Month for September 2021! Emelia was nominated by Director of Finance Gleb Nikolau who applauded Emelia for her incredible work ethic, her professionalism, and her interpersonal savvy and communication skills. Gleb praised Emelia further, saying “Emelia never yields to pressure or challenges, and she looks for solutions to every problem she encounters. She is independent, as well as interdependent, and everyone on our finance team has benefited from her support in the form of backup or coverage when a team member was sick or on vacation. This year, Emelia has taken on some of the more complex billing arrangements from Accounting Supervisor Gina Stewart and she has expanded her expertise in this area.”

Emelia is pictured, in center, with Gleb Nikolau and Gina Stewart. Great job, Emelia — thank you for your dedication to HazTek!