HazTek Employee of the Month | Tim Holmstedt

March 24, 2023
Safety professional Tim Holmstedt picture

Congratulations to Safety Professional Tim Holmstedt who was recently honored as one of HazTek’s two Employees of the Month for December 2022! Tim was nominated by a former colleague, who commended Tim for his embodiment of HazTek’s core value of “Leadership” and for helping others. Tim’s colleague shared, “Tim and I both work in different areas of the country. When he heard that my site was going to receive trade partners who he has worked with, he didn’t hesitate to reach out and provide me with insight and contact information to help with that transition.” Tim provided additional support to his colleague by sharing process and program information that helped ensure that all deliverables met our client’s expectations.

Fantastic job, Tim — we’re proud to have you in the HazTek family!