HazTek March Co-Employee of the Month | Sarah McCowen

June 3, 2024
Safety professional Sarah McCowen picture

Congratulations to Safety Professional Sarah McCowen who was recently honored as HazTek’s Employee of the Month for March 2024! Sarah was nominated by fellow Safety Professional Frank Sorrentino, who praised Sarah for being an exemplary employee. Frank commended Sarah for always being punctual, never complaining about her workload, prioritizing tasks effectively, being courteous to all staff, and being a great leader in all situations. Frank went on to say, “[Sarah] is an inspiration to all who think it cannot be done — this woman is doing it everyday.”

Thank you for going above and beyond for HazTek, Sarah!

Pictured here in the front row from left to right are Robert Kerwin, Lukas Hughes, Frank Sorrentino, Sarah McCowen and Jeremy Towsley. The back row from left to right are Shaun Wright, Matt Clark, Ryan Hoenicke, and Eric Herman.

If you’re a Safety Professional looking to join the HazTek team, visit: https://careers.haztekinc.com/search?st=va