HazTek May Co-Employee of the Month | Christopher Marshall

August 18, 2023
Safety professional Christopher Marshall picture

Congratulations to Safety Professional Christopher Marshall who was recently honored as one of HazTek’s Employees of the Month for May 2023! Christopher was nominated by Corporate Account Manager John Donahue and Operations Manager Tom Schultz, who both praised Christopher for being an asset to the our client’s safety team. John said, “Christopher has been asked to be part of [our client’s] Safety Council as a representative of [the client], which is reserved for their premier vendors. He is currently the only 3rd party safety representative that [our client] has that is engrained in their culture and making an impact.” Tom added to the praise by saying, “The quality of Christopher’s work shows that he has an inherent pride to what he does each day, and consistently strives to deliver the best results possible. This has resulted in several successful projects for our team and our client and has earned Christopher a reputation for excellence.”

Thank you for going above and beyond for HazTek, Christopher!