HazTek News | CURT Spring Conference in Orlando, Florida

May 15, 2024

HazTek attended the CURT Spring Conference that was held in Clearwater Beach, Florida from May 6-8 this year. HazTek Corporate Account Manager Herb Strong was the CURT Safety Sprint Team Leader and presented a training session on the 2024 Update of the CURT Construction Safety Blueprint. HazTek’s Vice President of Strategy C.J. Beysselance was also on the Safety Sprint Team. Over the past 12 years, Herb, C.J., and co-founder of HazTek Bruce Henderson have been making updates to this Safety Blueprint — the last before this being in 2017.

Herb was interviewed in CURT’s “The Voice” magazine on updating this document. He discussed the value of this update — essentially to make common safety practices readily accessible for the construction industry. You can read the article on page 17 in its entirety here: https://flip.matrixgroupinc.net/curt/2024/issue02/#page=16

Fantastic work, Herb and C.J.! Thank you for representing HazTek so well and helping the construction industry become safer.

Learn more about HazTek Safety & OSHA Training.