HazTek October Co-Employee of the Month | Donnie Dhabolt

February 6, 2024
Safety professional Donnie Dhabolt picture

Congratulations to Safety Professional Donnie Dhabolt who was recently honored as one of HazTek’s Employees of the Month for October 2023! Donnie was nominated by fellow Safety Professional Ryan Nason, who was impressed with Donnie’s attention to detail, knowledge within the crafts, and overall positive demeanor. Ryan said, “Donnie has a wonderful approach with individuals to strive for greatness in the name of safety. He is one of the first to site and always willing and eager to assist in any way possible going beyond safety daily.” Ryan added, “I came aboard about 6 months ago and have seen subtle changes he has implemented and the effects it has had on the site.”

Thank you for going above and beyond for our client, Donnie!