HazTek Spotlight | Gordon Harris

September 30, 2021
Safety professional Gordon Harris picture

HazTek is spotlighting Safety Professional Gordon Harris who joined our team last year and works out of our Mid-Atlantic region. Gordon likes to stay active and enjoys spending time outdoors, walking, kayaking, and fishing. He is originally from Scotland and moved to the U.S. in 2005 with his wife and two sons. Gordon first got involved in Health & Safety many years ago, when he was asked to investigate a fatal jobsite accident while working for a company that sold and rented safety equipment for construction projects. Seeing the distress and emotional impact that the accident had on those involved — and knowing that the tragedy could have been prevented if proper safety procedures had been followed — made Gordon determined to do whatever he could to prevent future workplace injuries. We’re happy to have you as part of the HazTek team, Gordon!