HazTek Spotlight | Kim Pitney

March 28, 2024
HazTek Senior Account Executive Kim Pitney picture

HazTek is spotlighting Senior Account Executive Kim Pitney who joined our team last year. Outside of work, Kim is an avid foodie, hiker, and hockey fan. Whether dining out or cooking at home, Kim’s enthusiastic about trying new dishes and learning about the cultural history of food — one way she does this is watching TopChef. She loves attending tasting events on the weekends, from chocolate to wild game dinners to bourbon. Hiking the National Parks is also on her bucket list. So far, she’s watched sunrise on Cadillac Mountain at Acadia; hiked the Smoky Mountains; whitewater rafted the New River Gorge; and hiked the Tetons, Yellowstone, Muir Woods and Point Reyes in California, and Mount Rainier in Washington. Her time living in Chicago, as well as being a hockey mom, turned Kim into an avid Chicago Blackhawks fan. We’re happy to have you aboard, Kim!

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