HazTek Veterans | Spotlight on Kirk Davis

November 7, 2023
Safety professional Kirk Davis picture

This week, HazTek is featuring several of our employees who have served — or continue to serve — in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Safety Professional Kirk Davis served as a Commander in the U.S. Navy for 16 years. Kirk chose this branch of the military because the Navy is very technical in skill rates, and he was an avid diver as a young man. He was a savage officer for the Navy.

As a salvage officer, each task he was presented with involved oil clean up or oil spill prevention. This was before the Exxon Valdez major spill but, even then, his ship did a lot to prevent destruction to the local environments with the limited response equipment that was available then. Kirk’s experience in the military helped him in his safety and environmental career because he learned how to deal with crisis management — such as fires, sinkings, crash sites, and groundings.

We are privileged to work with all of our veterans, and we appreciate the significant contributions that they bring to our company. Thank you for your service, Kirk.