HazTek Veterans | Spotlight on Tom Conte

November 6, 2023
Safety professional Tom Conte picture

This week, HazTek is featuring several of our employees who have served — or continue to serve — in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Safety Professional Tom Conte served as a Senior Chief in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years. Tom decided to join the Navy because of the recruiting commercial that promoted “it’s not a job, it’s an adventure.” He has many fond memories, including a photo safari while in Mombasa, Kenya at Tsavo East National Park, as well as getting to meet Bob Hope. He said that his favorite and most rewarding memory was the coordinated team effort when preparing the September 11th, 2002, memorial events in New York City. Tom and his fellow soldiers conducted site security surveys of each sector they were assigned to and developed threat responses and Dive Plans.

Tom’s military experience has helped in his safety career immensely. As an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operator, Navy 2nd Class Diver, and Naval Parachutist, Tom shares that safety was always at the forefront. If safety is compromised during any one of these tasks, it could have catastrophic consequences. From these tasks, he learned to be observant and pay incredible attention to detail.

We are privileged to work with all of our veterans, and we appreciate the significant contributions that they bring to our company. Thank you for your service, Tom.