HazTek Veterans | Spotlight on Jim Brown

November 11, 2022
Safety professional Jim Brown picture

This week, HazTek is featuring several of our employees who have served — or continue to serve — in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Safety Professional Jim Brown served as a Captain in the U.S. Navy for 30 years. Jim’s father — who had served in the Army Infantry — often took him hiking and camping when he was growing up, but Jim always preferred to be on the water. He was fascinated with ship design and construction, so he chose to join the Navy. One of his favorite memories is being assigned as the Communications Officer on one of the last four battleships operated by the Navy. Their mission on this ship was to “show the flag” in Northern Europe, Scandinavia, and Central America — which included squeezing through the Panama Canal, twice, with a mere one foot of clearance on each side of the ship. Jim’s military experience helps him in his safety career today because he learned, firsthand, the need for procedures, plans, and trainings during for hazards that can happen at any time.

We are privileged to work with all of our veterans and we appreciate the significant contributions that they bring to our company. Thank you for your service, Jim.