HazTek Veterans | Spotlight on Kirk Davis

November 10, 2022
Safety professional Kirk Davis picture

This week, HazTek is featuring several of our employees who have served — or continue to serve — in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Safety Professional Kirk Davis served as a Commander in the U.S. Navy for 16 years. Kirk chose this branch of the military because the Navy is very technical in skill rates. He also liked the age-old tradition of working on the high seas. One of his favorite memories from serving was towing a submarine service vessel across the Atlantic Ocean, from Spain to Florida, which took about two months — he jokes that Columbus crossed the ocean faster than that! Kirk’s experience in the military helped him in his safety career because he learned how to deal with crisis management, such as fires, sinkings, and groundings.

We are privileged to work with all of our veterans and we appreciate the significant contributions that they bring to our company. Thank you for your service, Kirk.