HazTek’s Herb Strong Leads SSACA Safety Panel Auto Focus 2023 Event

March 8, 2023
Safety professional Herb Strong Leads SSACA Safety Panel Auto Focus 2023 Event

Thank you to Client Services Manager Herb Strong for leading the HazTek Safety Panel for Southern States Automotive Contractors Association’s (SSACA) Auto Focus 2023 event held in Charlotte, North Carolina, last week.

During the annual summit, experts addressed key issues — and solutions — in the automotive industry. Herb discussed safety best practices on capital projects and maintenance/shutdown work in the automotive sector. He was joined by Craig Cansler, a PE and Regional Construction Safety Engineer for Toyota Motor North America, and Bob Frawley from Simmco Mechanical & Maintenance.

Well done, Herb — thank you for sharing your safety insights and for making HazTek proud!

HazTek Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive safety management services designed to protect workers by enhancing workplace safety. For additional information or to learn more about HazTek’s automotive manufacturing safety and other services, please contact us at 888.842.9835, email us at info@haztekinc.com, or visit our website at www.haztekinc.com

Credit: SSACA