Highlighting a Movember Cause | Preventing Male Suicide

November 13, 2023

Each November, the Movember Foundation works to raise awareness about men’s health by focusing on the prevention of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and suicide. The Movember Foundation is the leading global charity changing the face of men’s health and encouraging people to show support through growing moustaches and participating in or hosting community events. “Move for Mental Health” is a Movember community event where participants run or walk 60 miles within the month of November; you can sign up through the link here: https://us.movember.com/register?prod_intent=m&mocamp=m

We lose 60 men to suicide — every hour — throughout the world. That is a life lost every minute. In the U.S., 4 out of 5 suicides are men. At HazTek, we want to help build understanding about this crisis and share information on male suicide prevention. This is an epidemic that also affects the male-dominated construction industry.

Below is a list from OSHA that includes five things to know about preventing suicide:

  1. Be Aware – Everyone can help prevent suicide. Mental health and suicide can be difficult to talk about, but your actions can make a difference. When you work closely with others, you may sense when something is wrong
  2. Pay Attention – Know the warning signs of suicide. There is no single cause for suicide but there are warning signs. Changes in behavior, mood, or even what is being said, may signal that someone is at risk. Take these signs seriously — doing so could save a life
  3. Reach Out – Ask “are you okay?” If you are concerned about a family member, friend, or co-worker, talk with them privately and listen without judgment. Encourage them to reach out to your Employee Assistance Program (EAP), human resources (HR) department, or a mental health professional
  4. Take Action – If someone is in crisis, stay with them until you can get help. Contact your local emergency services or dial 988 for the national Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  5. Learn More – Go to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at www.988lifeline.org or call or text them at 988. You can also visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (www.afsp.org) to learn more about suicide risk factors, warning signs, and what you can do to help prevent suicide

For more resources on Movember and suicide prevention, visit:https://us.movember.com, www.afsp.org, and https://www.osha.gov/.../files/publications/OSHA4180.pdf

Credit: The Movember Foundation, OSHA, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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