Hurricane Ian

September 28, 2022
Hurricane Ian safety training image

Our thoughts are with all those affected by Hurricane Ian, especially our teams, families, and friends in Florida and the Gulf Coast region. As a major event, Hurricane Ian is already having devastating impacts on these areas.

Residents in affected areas should continue to monitor local media for forecast updates and follow guidance from local officials.

Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. People often underestimate the force and power of water — just six inches of fast-moving water can knock a person down, and one foot of moving water can sweep a vehicle away.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management provides links to helpful information regarding Hurricane Ian:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also provides quick links for those in affected areas:

The website provides information on hurricanes, as well guidance on returning home after a hurricane:

Credit to: FEMA, Ready, and the National Weather Service

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