Impairment in the Workplace

February 6, 2024
Impairment in the workplace safety training image

The list of issues threatening the health and wellbeing of your employees is expanding. While commonly associated with substance use, impairment is known to be caused by a broad range of factors. The National Safety Council (NSC) urges employers to define workplace impairment as anything that could impede one's ability to function normally or safely.

Impairment is often a hidden risk that prevents workers from being at their best and able to perform safely. Multiple recent reports indicate spikes in opioid overdoses and ongoing concerns about mental distress or substance use disorders related to COVID-19. As a result, employers are finding themselves with an expanding list of issues that are threatening the health and wellbeing of their employees. In fact, 90% of employers say they are concerned about alcohol, opioids, mental health disorders, and chronic stress in their workplaces, according to a recent NSC employer survey.

The NSC is calling on employers to take a broad approach to addressing workplace impairment. Specifically, the NSC urges that employer policies and procedures define workplace impairment as anything that could impede one's ability to function normally or safely – from chemical substances, such as alcohol, opioids or cannabis, to physical factors like fatigue, as well as mental distress and social factors like stress. Most employers surveyed — 93% — agree with this broader description.

The NSC offers tools to help employees and employers deal with workplace impairment. Visit:

Credit: The National Safety Council

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