Ladder Safety Month | Week 3
Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories

March 18, 2024
Ladder safety stabilization, setup, and accessories safety consulting visual

The third week of Ladder Safety Month focuses on stabilization, setup, and having the proper accessories. It’s important to read and follow the safety information labels on the ladder.

Establish and maintain a stable ladder for all work activities. This can be as simple as having a helper hold the ladder or require blocking, bracing, tying off, etc. Specialized ladder components and accessories may help ensure your portable ladder is properly stabilized to resist unexpected movement while working.

Remain attentive while establishing ladder placement at the worksite:

  • Pre-plan: Inspect and know the environment & any setup hazards within your work area and address them.
    • Ground is not firm and level – use ladder leveler accessory.
    • Slippery ground conditions – use spiked feet.
    • Irregular top support for BOTH top rails of leaning ladders (e.g., round or square pole, inside corner, outside corner, window gap, etc.) – use V-rung, corner support, or stand-off/stabilizer accessory.
    • Roof access – tie off ladder at top to resist side movement, extend approximately three feet above the top support point for grasping support, or use a rail extension accessory.
  • Position ladder facing (when possible) and close to your work to avoid overreaching.

To learn more on this week’s Ladder Safety Month topic, visit:

HazTek Safety Management understands the importance of ladder safety and offers comprehensive services and training, including solutions for fall safety. For additional information or to learn more about HazTek’s services, please contact us at 888.842.9835, email us at, or visit our website at

Learn more about HazTek Safety Consulting.