March 3 | HazTek’s Official “Birthday”

March 3, 2024
HazTek logo

HazTek was officially launched on March 3, 1997, by founding partners Bruce Henderson and Steve Jones. Since our start 27 years ago, HazTek has grown from a small local provider to an organization with over 300 employees providing safety training and consulting services to clients throughout North America and nearly 200 countries across the globe. We’re thrilled to be expanding our reach even further as we work with our parent company, Paradigm HSE, and our sister companies, Code Red Safety and Concept Controls.

As we celebrate our 27 years in the safety industry, we reflect on how proud we are of the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been positively affected by our team. We sincerely thank all of our employees — both past and present — for their dedication and hard work and thank all of our loyal customers who share in our commitment to safety.

We offer full-time positions; overtime and bench pay; travel and cell phone reimbursement; paid time off; professional development; and medical, dental, and vision benefits. If you’d like to join our team, visit: