National Safety Month is an annual observance founded by the National Safety Council to help keep each other safe — from the workplace to anyplace. During the month of June, the National Safety Council focuses on a different safety topic each week.
Week 1 focused on Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) — also knowns as ergonomic injuries — which are a leading cause of workplace injury and cost billions of dollars each year in workers’ compensation and lost productivity.
Week 2 focused on Workplace Impairment — we all know the dangers of substance use on the job, but did you know that mental distress, stress, and fatigue also cause impairment?
Week 3 focuses on Injury Prevention — in 2020 alone, more than four million workplace injuries required medical attention in the U.S.
Week 4 focuses on Slips, Trips, and Falls — with falls being a leading cause of unintentional injury-related death, this week focuses on reducing slips, trips, and falls.
For more information and to sign up for access to free National Safety Month materials, visit:
HazTek Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive safety management services designed to protect workers by enhancing workplace safety. We offer over 80 services and provide professional, classroom-based training on more than 75 different topics — with virtual options for all of our training classes. We can also provide customized training based on your policies and procedures. To learn how HazTek can help, please contact us at: 888-842-9835 or or go to
Credit to: National Safety Council
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