Red Ribbon Week 2023 | Living Drug Free

October 4, 2023
Red Ribbon Living Drug Free safety consulting visual

Red Ribbon Week raises awareness of drug use and the problems related to drugs facing our community, and encourages parents, educators, business owners, and other community organizations to promote drug-free lifestyles.

In 1985, Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique S. "Kiki" Camarena was killed by drug traffickers. Shortly after his death, citizens from his hometown of Calexico, California, began wearing red ribbons in remembrance to commemorate his sacrifice.

The first official Red Ribbon Week celebration was created by the National Family Partnership in 1988. NFP continues to coordinate the campaign for families, schools, and communities across the nation each year. Since then, the red ribbon has symbolized a continuing commitment to reducing the demand for illicit drugs in our communities.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has created a social media campaign for October to help spread the word about Red Ribbon’s message of “Living Drug Free.” All throughout the month, the DEA will be hosting and participating in Red Ribbon events throughout the country. Red Ribbon week is the last week of the month, October 23-31, but everyone is encouraged to participate all month long.

Below are the weekly Red Ribbon themes:

Week 1 | Raise Awareness (October 2 – 8)

Raise awareness in your school, work, and community by sharing the Red Ribbon resources.

Week 2 | Pledge to Be Drug-Free (October 9 – 15)

Make a promise to yourself and to those around you to stay drug-free. Take the pledge today:

Week 3 | Get Involved (October 16 – 22)

Spread the word about living drug free to your network by sharing this post!

Week 4 | Celebrate Red Ribbon Week (October 23 – 31)

Celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing red ribbons, participating in community anti-drug events, and pledging to live a drug-free life.

To learn more, visit:

Credit: DEA

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