Week 3 of National Safety Month | June 16-22

June 17, 2024
National Safety Month safety consulting visual

The third week of National Safety Month focuses on risk reduction on job sites. Some of the major risks that workers face are overdoses, crashes, fall, and overexertion.

The NSC offers many resources on addressing these hazards and preventing them altogether. One of theses resources is a webinar on June 18th at 1 pm ET, titled “Creating an Opioid Overdose Reversal Program for Your Workplace.” Register here:

Other resources include:

  • Engaging videos on risk reduction
  • Articles on protecting yourself against injuries, avoiding hearing loss, common electrical safety errors, and robotic technology
  • Statistics on the odds of dying, top work-related injury causes, overdose deaths, and more
  • Resources to help build your skills and engage employees, including workplace wellbeing advice and foundation for evaluating safety training effectiveness
  • Off-the-job resources including how to avoid “tech neck” and lessons on how to talk to your family and loved ones about drug use

To access these important safety resources, visit: https://www.nsc.org/.../national.../nsm-public-materials

Credit: National Safety Council

HazTek LLC is a leading provider of comprehensive safety management services designed to protect workers by enhancing workplace safety. For additional information or to learn more about HazTek's services, such as Fall Safety Solutions and safety trainings, please contact us at 888.842.9835, email us at info@haztekinc.com, or visit our website at www.haztekinc.com

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