Writing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

April 16, 2024
Writing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) safety training image

Creating a JSA involves breaking down a job into its basic tasks and identifying potential hazards associated with each task. Here are steps to write a comprehensive JSA:

  1. Select the Job: Choose a specific job or task to analyze. Ensure it's a common or critical task within your workplace.
  2. Breakdown Tasks: Divide the job into specific, manageable tasks. Each task should be distinct and clearly defined.
  3. Identify Hazards: For each task, identify potential hazards. These could include physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, or psychosocial hazards.
  4. Assess Risks: Evaluate the likelihood and severity of each identified hazard. Consider the potential consequences of exposure or accidents.
  5. Determine Controls: Determine the best control measures to mitigate or eliminate identified hazards. Controls may include engineering controls, administrative controls, or personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Write the JSA Document: For each task, document the following:
    • Task Description: Clearly describe the task being analyzed.
    • Hazards: List all potential hazards associated with the task.
    • Risk Assessment: Evaluate the level of risk associated with each hazard.
    • Controls: Specify the control measures to be implemented to mitigate or eliminate hazards.
    • Responsible Parties: Identify who is responsible for implementing each control measure.
  7. Review and Revise: Review the completed JSA with relevant stakeholders, including workers who perform the job. Revise the analysis based on feedback and additional insights.
  8. Implement Controls: Ensure that the recommended control measures are implemented effectively. Provide necessary training and resources to support implementation.
  9. Monitor and Review: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of control measures. Update the JSA as needed based on changes in the job, workplace conditions, or regulations.
  10. Document and Communicate: Keep a record of the completed JSA and make it easily accessible to workers involved in the job. Communicate any changes or updates to relevant personnel.
  11. Training: Provide training to workers on the content of the JSA, including how to identify hazards, implement controls, and respond to emergencies.
  12. Continuous Improvement: Encourage ongoing feedback and participation from workers to continuously improve the JSA process and overall workplace safety.

HazTek offers a fully comprehensive line of services and solutions — including JSAs — that are tailored to suit the needs of every company. We specialize in safety audits and inspections, site assessments, corporate health and safety programs, on-site safety management, and safety training. For additional information or to learn more about how HazTek can help, please contact HazTek at 888.842.9835 or email us at info@haztekinc.com

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