Life at HazTek

Building safety consulting visual

Building Safety Month
Week 2 – May 6-12

May 6, 2024
Week 2 of Building Safety Month 2024 focuses on how building safety impacts our everyday life and highlights the things we can do at home to stay safe. Here we share fire and water safety tips and home maintenance best practices, how to prepare for a disaster and how to plan ahead to limit damages to buildings from natural hazards in your community, and how to be more sustainable to ensure a cleaner and greener tomorrow.... Read more...
National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction safety consulting visual

National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction | May 6-10, 2024

May 6, 2024
This week is the 11th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. A Safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees about safety. Any workplace can hold a stand-down by taking a break to focus on "Fall Hazards" and reinforcing the importance of "Fall Prevention".
Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of dea... Read more...
Safety professional Jody Cochran picture

HazTek Spotlight | Jody Cochran

May 3, 2024
HazTek is spotlighting Safety Professional Jody Cochran who joined our team this year. Jody was born and raised outside Atlanta, Georgia. He started his career in construction right out of high school and joined the local fire department at age 22 and eventually became a paramedic. After a fulfilling career in public safety, he decided to transition into accident prevention and obtained his bachelor’s degree in occupational safety and health. ... Read more...
National Electrical Safety consulting visual

National Electrical Safety Month | May

May 2, 2024
The Electrical Safety Foundation (ESFI) is a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. To commemorate National Electrical Safety Month each May, ESFI spearheads an annual campaign to educate key audiences about the steps that can be taken to reduce the number of electrically related fires, fatalities, injuries, and property loss.
ESFI’s National Electrical Safety Month 2...
Building safety consulting visual

Building Safety Month | May

May 1, 2024
Building Safety Month is an international campaign that takes place in May to raise awareness about building safety. This campaign, sponsored by the International Code Council, reinforces the need for the adoption of modern, regularly-updated building codes, and helps individuals, families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe and sustainable structures.
The International Code Council, its members, and a diverse partnership of pr... Read more...
Mental Health Awareness safety consulting visual

Mental Health Awareness Month | May

May 1, 2024
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. Throughout the month, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) actively participates in this national movement, dedicated to eradicating stigma, extending support, fostering public education, and advocating for policies tha... Read more...
Jobsite Tech safety training image

Industry News | Jobsite Tech

April 30, 2024
In our recent Safety-In-Review e-newsletter, we featured an article from Occupational Health & Safety Online titled, “How Jobsite Tech Poses Safety Challenges in Construction.” The article covers the growing risks in jobsite safety, focusing on the abundance of technology without a way to make the information useful for the entire company. Technology is available for everyone, but there is no streamline process for collecting relevant data and h... Read more...
HazTek Safety Professional Career Opportunities picture

Immediate Safety Career Openings at HazTek:

April 29, 2024
Looking for a career change? HazTek has many safety career opportunities around the country — including Northern Virginia, Chicago, California, Georgia, and many more.
Our career opportunities include Safety Managers and Safety Coordinators for data centers, pharmaceutical companies, contractors, environmental companies, and more. ... Read more...
Workers Memorial Day safety consulting visual

Workers Memorial Day | April 28, 2024

April 28, 2024
Workers' Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember those workers who have lost their lives due to work-related injuries and illnesses. It is a day to acknowledge the grievous suffering experienced by families and communities and to recommit ourselves to the fight for improvements in workplace safety for all workers.
The number of preventable workplace deaths increased 5% in 2022, totaling 4,695. Fatalities should never be the cost of ... Read more...

Career Opportunities — View Our Current Job Postings: